Riders at the estates

As the article rightly stated some MCSTs have  resorted to banning or restricting access to  motorcycles of food delivery riders over concerns at their haphazard parking, speeding and other errant behaviour. Safety is paramount. Traffic rules must  be observed when riders are  riding within the estate. If the rules are followed, there would be little Read more about Riders at the estates[…]

What if the Council refuses to file insurance claim when a strata unit is damaged by fire?

Lately, I  was told again that the Council of a Management Corporation  (MCST) has refused to file insurance claim on behalf of a subsidiary proprietor  when a fire had caused   damages to the strata unit of that subsidiary proprietor. The MCST is required by legislation to provide a  damage insurance policy  for the subdivided building.  Read more about What if the Council refuses to file insurance claim when a strata unit is damaged by fire?[…]

Interview by REM Times

Singapore Strata Industry Evolves With The Times Teo Poh Siang, the President of the Association of Strata Managers in Singapore, gives us an insight into the recent changes and developments in the strata industry in the city-state. https://bit.ly/3JNpBtr