Latest Guidelines for Ventilation & Indoor Air Quality

There are more split air-conditioning systems  being used at home and at work. Opening windows to ventilate homes  is common . However, when come to workspace, opening of windows to ventilate the space can be rarely carried out for workspace installed with split air-conditioning systems. 

This latest guide jointly from BCA,NEA and MOH recommended among others,
increasing  ventilation and enhance air exchange in another effort for safe environment against COVID-19 :

a. Open operable windows and doors as frequently as possible, unless outdoor air quality is poor. Air-conditioning should be reduced or turned off when doors and/or windows are opened.
b. Consider adding dedicated outdoor air supply and/exhaust.
c. Operate exhaust fans (e.g. toilet, kitchen) at full capacity to expel air form the indoor space. Keep windows or other openings (e.g. back door) around exhaust fans closed to avoid short-circuiting of air flow.


Some condos go the extra mile to protect residents

Keep safe and be safe should be the most important measure taken by everyone during this COVID19 pandemic. When an MCST of your estate  chose to close certain facilities, even if these closures are  not specified in  the advisories  issued by the authorities, residents/users should take such closures positively. All such actions,if taken,  are for Read more about Some condos go the extra mile to protect residents[…]

Up to $8,000 funding to provide rest areas for lower-wage workers under new Workcare Grant

This is indeed a good gesture from MOM in recognising essential workers like cleaners and security officers. More  can be and should be done. Many new residential developments provide little or no rest area for these essential workers. The Management Office (where management staff of Managing Agents are housed) of many  residential developments are too Read more about Up to $8,000 funding to provide rest areas for lower-wage workers under new Workcare Grant[…]

Consideration and Tolerance Singapore is quite densely populated. More units are now built in a single piece of land. There would be more people, more noise, more interpersonal issues. Everybody should give consideration to one another. When there is noise from renovation coming from the neighbour’s unit during permitted time, be tolerate a bit with the noise,  Read more about Consideration and Tolerance[…]