How to manage confirmed COVID-19 cases at condos?

The daily update from showed that there is a constant increase in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases. It has been reported that we are likely to see more than 1000 cases in any single day. As we treat COVID-19 like an epidemic, it is quite evident that we will expect more people infected with COVID-19. Perhaps, anyone could have been infected at least once in a lifetime just like a cough or a flu.

MOH may inform the MCST about confirmed cases and requiring the MCST to carry out deep cleaning to the common area. The particulars of the confirmed cases, such as the infected person, unit  or block number are not revealed. The security post should be vigilant to ambulance or vehicles carrying persons wearing PPE arriving at the entrance. Strata practitioners should set up an SOP with the security post so that you would come to know of any COVID-19 cases at the first moment. COVID-19 virus have no rest day, not to mention about Sunday nor Public Holiday. You should have  pre-arranged a service provider that you could activate to commence deep cleaning work very quickly.

Under the Home Recovery model, MOH now require suitable patients of COVID-19 to recover from home unless the infected person is seriously ill. The entire family of the infected person may be quarantined and may require assistance. The cleaners serving the block should take extra precaution and should follow NEA’s recommended cleaning procedures. Any rubbish from the affected unit is to be disposed of in accordance with NEA’s guidelines. The privacy of the infected person or family should be protected.
There is no requirement from the authority that the facilities at the common area must be closed. Whether the facilities in the estate should be closed is a judgment call. If there are repeated new cases, whether further deep cleaning is needed may depend on when the last deep cleaning is conducted. However, it is always prudent to ensure that common touch points are disinfected and when necessary further deep cleaning be carried out.

Most important, stay healthy and stay safe.

#covid #stratamanagement #staysafe #health

Home recovery to cover Covid-19 patients up to age 69; 7 in 10 infected will be eligible