How do we know which subsidiary proprietors are to be granted voting rights at an MCST AGM?

Let us paint a scenario whereby maintenance fee is collected from subsidiary proprietors on a quarterly basis and that the date due for the next collection of maintenance fee is on 1 June. Assume also that a late payment interest of 10 per cent is to be imposed 30 days after the maintenance fee is due and the AGM is to be held on 20 June that same year. Under such circumstances, which subsidiary proprietors have voting right during the AGM? Would voting right only be granted to subsidiary proprietors who have paid their maintenance fee, including that for the current quarter (June, July, and August)? What about those who have only paid their maintenance fee up to the preceding quarter (March, April, and May)?

A complete  guide to conducting an MCST AGM is available  in A Practical Guide to Strata Management in Singapore (Second Edition). This book draws specific and relevant provisions from more than 30 legislations and code of practices, on top of 75 case studies, to provide a comprehensive guide for readers. Order at Prelaunch Sale- $25/book.