Happy Mother’s Day

世上只有妈妈好 有妈的孩子像块宝A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s — Princess Diana 祝母亲节快乐Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers

Outcome- Based Contracts for Security and Cleaning Services

A webinar (26 Apr 2022) for Outcome-based Contracts (OBC)for Security and Cleaning services organised by the Association of Strata Managers (ASM).  The speakers from Singapore Police Force(SPF), National Environmental Agency (NEA)and Workforce Singapore (WSG)shared the benefits of OBC. Among the topics, Job Redesign for Best Sourcing Practices   by WSG  that funding is available to assist Read more about Outcome- Based Contracts for Security and Cleaning Services[…]

Strata Management Guides

The Building & Construction Authority (BCA) had published Strata Management Guides, Batch 1 (SMGs 1-5)  in June 2019 and just released Batch 2 (SMGs 6-9) in April 2022: SMG 6: Managing  Agent SMG7: Developer handing over after 1st AGM SMG8: Maintaining MCs’ Records SMG9: Dispute Resolution-Common Disputes and Course of Actions Read more here https://www1.bca.gov.sg/regulatory-info/building-maintenance-and-strata-management/management-corporation-strata-title-mcst/strata-management-guides

Outcome-based contracts for facility and strata management industry

The Association of Strata Managers (ASM) is a national association that protects the rights and safeguards the interests of management corporations and managing agents.Our member firms represent more than 1,000 management corporations in Singapore.ASM look forwards to working with the NTUC,authorities and management corporations to developing a guide on outcome-based contracts for the strata and Read more about Outcome-based contracts for facility and strata management industry[…]

Progressive Wages for Strata Management

A proposal for progressive wages (PWM) to be extended to  strata and facilities management was tabled in Parliament yesterday (1 Mar). A PWM in strata management could help practioners, the majority of whose wages had stagnate due to service buyers  choosing the cheapest service providers. An out-come based service contract for strata management is a Read more about Progressive Wages for Strata Management[…]

Surging electricity bills strain condominium finances, some changing systems to cut costs

With surging electricity cost, the only way to save cost now, is to trim usage wherever and whenever possible. Running air-conditioners to cool  lift lobbies is a luxury, and this is one of areas which MCSTs should consider to cut during this energy crisis. #electrical #stratamanagement #energy #energysaving #condos Surging electricity bills strain condominium finances, Read more about Surging electricity bills strain condominium finances, some changing systems to cut costs[…]

Evidence needed for action against second hand smoke

It is always recommended that residents be prepared to  communicate whenever any dispute about nusiance from second hand smoke arise. Filing a formal claim at a tribunal or other legal platform requires evidence and the evidence must be sufficient. For good neighourliness, residents concerned should exercise tolerance and consideration. #smoking #stratamanagement #consideration #tolerance #neighbours https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/secondhand-smoke-louis-ng-smoking-home-balcony-window-2506141?cid=internal_sharetool_androidphone_19022022_cna