More than 20 distinguished professionals spoke passionately about the essentials for customer experience at the 2024 SCA Australia and New Zealand Conference for 2 days (4 & 5 Jul) organised by Strata Community Association Australasia,and attended by more than 500 strata managers.
Survey for feedback from home owners is absolutely necessary. Tom Skiba shared that data obtained from constant survey by the Community Associations Institute for several years, had helped their community managers improved services and therefore resulted in marked satisfaction from home owners.
Francis Giani MSc showed that engaging customers at different channels could deliver superior customer service and establishing trust. He has successfully turned a difficult home owner into a highly satisfied customer that this owner went on screen to provide a convincing testimony for Francis and his team.
As President of the Association of Strata Managers (ASM), I joined a panel discussion on “Global Perspectives on Customer Excellence” moderated by Jeevan D’Mello GDArch, CMCA, AMS, LSM, PCAM, DAS , the President of Community Associations Institute. He spoke about the common 5 Ps: People, Parking, Pets, Payments and Parties that strata managers in almost all communities and in all countries are facing challenges.
I shared about the challenges faced in a multi-cultural, multi-racial and multi-religious society like Singapore. Strata managers should exercise empathy, especially when a strata owner encountered his moment of happiness and sadness.
The expectation in strata management service is wide and broad. Anyone professing to offer strata management service, should be trained. As there was little or no promotion about strata management (community management) for the past many decades, I later rallied the attendees to join in a collective movement to improve the image of strata managers (community managers).
My colleagues from Wisely 98 Pte Ltd: Angela Ngo, Theresa Teo and Annie Ooi Ooi together with ASM committee members: Andrew Lioe and Andy Lim later told me that “Feedback”,“Empathy” and “Customer Experience” were their greatest take back from the Conference.
You may claim to have delivered a superior customer service. It is the customer experience (CX) that count.✅️
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