
About this Site

Cost of living has risen. New laws are constantly being introduced into the built environment. There are also rising expectations from subsidiary proprietors and occupants. Managing agents are expected to deliver constant value propositions to stay competitive. COVID-19 has forced many to stay away from workplaces and to rely on technology to continue with work. Technology has an exponential growth at all workplaces and therefore for strata management and will continue to grow.

There is currently no single one platform for the strata community to seek quick information. The common challenge is finding information on what, when and how to manage a typical strata development.  The information are available, but  in different legislation, different books, different agencies, different trades and in many different sources. Even when a particular source is found, the time required to pore through the pages could be laborious and discouraging.  

There is also no platform for strata practitioners to share their joy, sweat, pain and gain. Knowledge if not shared, will be lost.  The intention of this site is sharing. It is only with the  willingness to share that the strata management industry will improve.  It is also with the mindset of learning and sharing that new ideas will evolve.

If you have any questions, please let us know. Send us an email at teopohsiang@gmail.com. We’d really like to hear from you.