The Strata World

An Encyclopedia for Strata Living

Harmonious Strata Living- Our Achievement to celebrate SG60

The history of multi-ownership in buildings has been widely debated. Some  trace it back to Roman times, while others believe it began in 1725 in England with the “flying freehold” concept, where one part of a freehold property overlaps another. It was only in 1961 that the Australians started the strata ownership—a system allowing ownership Read more about Harmonious Strata Living- Our Achievement to celebrate SG60[…]

A Quiet Place 2024

At an upscale condo, residents enjoyed the peace and tranquillity that the condo offered. Then a unit  on the fifth floor began renovation. Jack hammers shattered the peace and drills echoed through the walls. Residents found themselves bombarded with noise from morning till evening. By the second day, a line of angry residents had formed outside Read more about A Quiet Place 2024[…]